ADD in the 80s – 6th grade, Orange County

This is a new series I am starting, called “ADD in the 80s”. The series starts with one of my experiences in school during the 80’s. The 80’s were a unique period for ADHD. A lot of new research about ADHD was being explored and published. At the same time, that new knowledge about ADHD was not really accepted by many schools. It was an era of contradiction for ADHD.

ADD in the ’80s

6th grade, Orange County, California, Late 1980’s.

Ah, today’s Friday, the last day of the week. I wonder what’s planned for the weekend?

Slam!! Something slams down hard on my desk. I quickly turn my head to see my teacher standing at my desk. He looks pretty mad. It makes sense; I’m not exactly paying attention.

I quickly look around the class to find the current place in the textbook. Got it. I turn to the right page and look up at my teacher, hoping that this is enough to get him away from my desk.

I’ve got to keep up with the class. That was embarrassing and a bit scary with the teacher’s hand slamming down on my desk. Next page, first paragraph. I’m following along. I had better keep up to avoid the teacher getting mad again.

ADD in the 80s

Next page, second paragraph. It’s about Italy. The teacher mentions volcanoes in Italy…Mount Vesuvius. That must have been a large earthquake that followed that eruption. Next page, first paragraph…I’m keeping up with the class.

If I balance the eraser on a pencil and tape another pencil on the other end of the eraser, it could work like a Richter scale. But, wait, stop, and go back to the book, the next page third paragraph.

His hand slams again on my desk and sweeps across my desk, knocking over my newly made Richter scale. I must have been looking out the window at the grass fields again.

I didn’t even realize I was looking out the window. I thought I was following along in the book with the class. But, oh no, the class is five pages ahead of the current page in my book.

I don’t get it; I was paying attention. When did I stop paying attention and look out the windows? I did look out the window, but only for a few seconds…I thought. Based on the look on my teacher’s face, I must have been looking out the window much longer than I thought.

Why was I even looking out the window? I was trying to keep up with the class in the textbook.

My teacher is definitely beyond his regular mad now. He angrily asks me to stand outside the classroom. Now everyone is looking at me. Finally, I get up from my seat and walk out of the classroom as requested.

There are a few moments when I am outside by myself before the teacher walks out the door. In those few seconds, I go over what I had done. Why won’t I pay attention? I’m just being irresponsible, just like the teacher had told me several times a day… every day.

The teacher looks really mad. Then, he starts lecturing me about my lack of respect. I’m a bad student; I shouldn’t have been given this many chances to correct my behavior.

My teacher seems to be getting more mad as he lectures me about respect. His face is turning red, and the veins in his neck are straining as he begins to yell. I’m not sure how to handle this. I can feel my face getting hot like my face is turning red.

Ok, now he’s yelling really hard. There’s spit coming out of his mouth as he’s yelling. I wish he would stop yelling so loud…I already know I’m disrespectful. And yes, he’s probably right that I’m not going to achieve anything in life.

I’m a bit confused, though. If I lacked the intelligence to keep up with the class, why am I in this class? I should be in special education.

The kids in those special ed classes don’t get in trouble with the teachers like I do. They don’t get yelled at or get singled out embarrassingly in class. So I must be especially disrespectful and especially a bad kid. I’m different, and this is getting me in a lot of trouble.

Oh crap…I just realized that I’ve been daydreaming while he has been yelling at me. Now he is furious. He looks like he wants to hit me.

He tells me that I am the worst student he has had in his whole teaching career. He tells me that if teachers were allowed to hit students, he would definitely hit me.

I’m always in trouble with several teachers. Maybe I deserve to be hit by my teacher. Perhaps that would teach me to be a more respectful student.

I am just standing here, not sure what to do. Hopefully, he won’t hit me, and he’ll just put me in detention.

He instructs me to go inside the classroom, sit down…and shut up. So I do as I’m told, and I go inside to sit down.

ADD in the 80sIt’s ok, though, because it’s Friday, and each Friday ends with cool music and fun crafts. At least for the good students. For the students that didn’t behave or finish their homework, we moved to the right side of the classroom.

On the other side, they play whatever the kids want on the stereo while doing fun arts and crafts. On the right side, we sit in silence and do extra classwork.

It’s ok, though, because at least we’re not getting in more trouble. I’m starting to relax, as we’re left here to do extra work. The teachers really don’t care what we do on this side of the classroom…as long as we stay in our seats and don’t speak.

This is our Friday detention time. It’s how I finish off the week in class. It’s calm now, and I just sit here quietly.